Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Guys!!! I hope 2017 is filled with cherishable moments and happiness for you! 2016 is finally over after tons of crashes, disappointments , crap tech, deaths etc. and I have been dying to post this GIF –

While 2016 was definitely a lousy year for tech, We hope that 2017 will be super exciting!

Now, I also have a couple of important announcements to make. First off, “Tech Chat” and “Extreme Product Challenges” are now no more available on TechKindle.com. I noticed that close to nobody used those features and they were unnecessarily making the site slow to load. So yeah,  R.I.P 2016 AND unused features.

Now, Here comes the exciting part – We’re expanding! We’re currently looking for some supercool and talented tech writers who can contribute to this site and help bring you more quality tech coverage. If you are interested or if you know somebody that might be, Please fill/ask them to fill the form at  Write For Us! 

Also, I am glad to announce that TechKindle will complete 2 years of bringing the latest and greatest tech news to you in 2017!! In this period of 2 years, We have catered to over 30,000 people! So yeah, Keep supporting us and once again, A Very Happy New Year to All Of You!



Hey there! I am a proficient (Well, I think so) tech reviewer,Application developer and blogger with good knowledge in Swift,Android and Java. I also have a mediocre knowledge of C,C++,html and php. Other than making awesome things, I am interested in roaming around the town and I love to eat pizza!

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